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Most major search engines incorporates several algorithms (internal
rules used to decide which sites are given priority) that make
use of hyperlink structure for discovering high-quality information
on the Web.
Link popularity is a part of the hyperlink analysis systems that
search engines such as Google use to rank web pages. It is this
approach which has made search engines like Google the new standard.
In fact, Google's entire approach relies heavily on link promotion
and link quality. In describing their proprietary ranking system
(PageRank), Google's web site says ... please
Click Here

Optimization Process
With millions of people using search engines and directories everyday,
effective positioning is essential to get maximum exposure.
One of the most important search engine strategy is establishing
a linking partnership with web sites that focus appropriate market.
High-quality links coming to your site from subject sites (descriptive
URLs) is increasingly important in getting good Search Engine
The first step in the search engine / directory optimization process
starts during design, not after your site is complete.
A directory is organized by a human editor, who reviews and categorizes
each site before including it in the directory.
Test your keywords now and begin optimizing them with search engines
to increase targeted traffic to your website!
Find how Yahoo's human editors and Google spiders analyzes a Web site for certain
key words within a site search. For example:
Web site name: www.uaeprison.com
Key words search: uae rights
(The following link provides an excellent visual indication on
keyword ranking on a given query)
View a visual comparison of Yahoo and Google search results
Search engines use automated programs called spiders to crawl
through the Web in search of web sites.
Using proprietary guidelines and standard, the spiders index and
rank pages based on a combination of HTML code, descriptive titles,
targeted keywords inside the META tags, ALT tags on images, page
content, and link popularity.
When users query the search engine about a specific topic or
keyword, search
engine returns a list of web sites that it considers the best
Most of the search engines use the keyword meta tag to check your
site's content for those keywords. If you have keywords in your meta tag that are
not in your Web site content, will actually lower your ranking due to bad
When someone queries a search engine for a keyword related to
your site's products or services, does your page appear in the
top 10 matches ?
Remember that you're competing with thousands
of other sites. Find out how your site looks at search-engines!
The top search directories:
Yahoo, LookSmart and
top search engines:
and MSN

Submissions Tips

Most search engines
robots can only index static pages. Search engine spiders may
get confused if you use dynamic, doorways, frames or splash screens.
Spiders simply
can't index pages that have no content to evaluate or links to
follow. Be sure that you're submitting pages to search engines
that the robots can actually read and index.
Your site may
be blocked because you share a Web host with a lot of spam sites,
especially if the host accepts adult-oriented Web sites. Check
with your Web hosting company to see if it hosts adult sites.
Search engine visits:
While most search
engines promise to visit your site within 1-2 weeks after your
submit, the reality is that you may wait months for a spider.
Some search engine databases have an upper limit on the number
of pages they can index.
When the database is full, they simply block new submissions -
Excite didn't index any new sites for months in early 2000! You
may have to submit several times to the same engine before getting
one of the coveted database spots. Submitting too often can also
hurt you by getting you banned as a spam site.
can speed up the listing process at major directories, but expect
to pay a big amount for that service. If your site needs to generate
a lot of traffic quickly, then paying for listing may be the quickest
way with Yahoo and Excite directories.
Search results:
Every search engine uses a different method to display
search results.
Google will display multiple instances of a keyword
if it appears several times. The first few instances of
the keywords are the most important to Google, so carefully
optimize them to get readable search results. Google search
deeply into websites and index internal pages.
Open Directory will only help with one page of your site.
Lycos uses the text contained in the META title and description
tags, so it's important to write a good, clear, keyword-rich
title and description for each page you want indexed.
AltaVista displays the title attribute first, then the particular
section of the description attribute that contains the keywords,
and finally pulls the first section of page content that
contains the keywords.
Update your
HTML code with potential keywords and phrases for targeted
visitors to give a good sense of your site. You only get
a few sentences to make your case on the search results
page. The META
description and title tags help site stand out on the search
results pages.
If you require
any assistance in choosing relevant, targeted keywords,
tags and phrases for your site, feel free to contact our
research team.
We have
PROPRIETARY RESOURCES and assortments of other Internet
tools, which designed to make brand awareness and bring
traffic that is interested in your product area.
Page Rank
"PageRank relies on the uniquely democratic nature of the
web by using its vast link structure as an indicator of an individual
page's value. In essence, Google interprets a link from page A
to page B as a vote, by page A, for page B. But, Google looks
at more than the sheer volume of votes, or links a page receives;
it also analyzes the page that casts the vote. Votes cast by pages
that are themselves "important" weigh more heavily and
help to make other pages "important."
here to check your link popularity
(It gives you an idea of how "popular" a search engine
believes your site to be. That's important for those search engines
that rank sites in part by the site's link popularity.)

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