there is nothing more memorable to an organization's products and services
for its customers than the company's Logo. MintValley Technologies, a
forerunner in Web and E-Business Solutions, had always stressed on committing
itself to meet the customer's needs and requirements through effective
Our Logo on closer examination has so much to reveal about MintValley
Technologies. It symbolizes wealth, prosperity and the source of inventions.
In most of the courtyards in Indian homes you would find the Mint or Tulasi
plant on a special pedestal (a sign of prosperity) with crevice to hold
a lamp. This is constructed to pay pradakshina or respect to the tulasi
plant which symbolizes purity. The tulasi is revered holy by Hindu culture.
The spirituality of the Tulasi plant is found in the 'Devi Bhagvata Purana',
a Holy book of the Hindus.
Now on the face of the coin you would find the world atlas in the background,
an e-Mail @ character and a damsel with a lamp bowing towards a pedestal
holding the Mint or Tulasi Plant. Below the pedestal you would find the
letters e2k (represents the boom of e-Commerce in 2000).
The insignia in the Gold coin is MintValley's (represented by the damsel)
fresh and pure - commitment, dedication and innovations that illuminates
the Internet World in the New Millennium of E-Services.
The MintValley Logo in the middle has 3 stars above an extended V. This
is to expose MintValley Technologies far-reaching and continuous Victory
in providing better Services and Solutions to its customers in the third
Our Logo is an embodiment of our Beliefs and Strengths. "We look towards
the future with the same conviction and thrust to set tomorrows trends,
Why are we named 'MintValley'
The Word "MINT" has many interesting meanings.
(n) |
1. |
Any of various
aromatic plants of the mint family whose
leaves are used for flavoring and in medicine (comprising more
than 10,000 species) TULASI (Lakshmi, Vrinda
- Indian Mythology).
2. |
Mynt, mynet, munita,
Moneta, a place for coining money.
3. |
The guardian spirit
of wealth. Moneta, epithet of JUNO (Roman
Mythology) in whose temple at Rome money was coined.
4. |
An apparently
unlimited supply; large amount! "a mint of ideas" |
5. |
A source
of manufacture or invention |
6. |
Any of
various candies flavored with mint
(adj.) |
7. |
New or
in its original condition, as if freshly minted !a postage stamp
in mint condition"
(vt.) |
8. |
To coin
(money) by stamping metal |
9. |
To invent
or create; fabricate |
Aromatic Plants
Mint (plant), common name for a family of woody or herbaceous flowering
plants. The mint genus itself contains many well-known cultivated species.
The well-known mint genus is Mentha. Peppermint is classified as Mentha
piperita, spearmint as Mentha spicata, and pennyroyal as Mentha pulegium.
Lavender is classified in the genus Lavendula and shellflower in the genus
Members of the mint family often contain aromatic oils, and many (often
of Mediterranean origin) are cultivated as culinary herbs. These include
marjoram and oregano, thyme, sage, rosemary, savory, and basil.
TULASI (Ind. Myth.) The story
of the Basil or Tulasi Plant
According to the 'Devi Bhagvatha Purana' Vishnu had three wives: Lakshmi,
Saraswati and Ganga. Once Lakshmi and Saraswati quarreled and cursed each
other. Saraswati cursed Lakshmi to live on earth as tulasi. As such the
curse was so powerful that Vishnu had said that what was predetermined
was to take its own course.
Lakshmi was born on earth and married Shankhachuda, the demon, to help
the gods vanquish him. Accordingly, Lakshmi was born as Tulasi, and in
due course was married to Shankhachuda. Because of a boon from Brahma,
Shankhachuda could only be defeated if his wife was unfaithful to him.
Shankhachuda by his boon became arrogant and began tormenting people.
They prayed to Vishnu for help, and Vishnu sent Shiva to kill Shankhachuda.
Meanwhile Vishnu assumed the form of Shankhachuda and seduced Tulasi,
to make her unfaithful and therefore nullify the effect of the boon.
This would allow Shiva to kill the demon. When Tulasi discovered the deceit,
she began to curse the impostor. Before she could complete the curse however,
the imposter revealed himself to be Vishnu. He pacified Tulasi, and reminded
her that she was, in fact, Lakshmi, who could now return to heaven with
him since her curse was over. To mark the event, Lakshmi's hair became
the tulasi plant, which remained on earth and was worshipped thereafter
as her image, and her body was transformed into the river Gandaki.
The tulasi is considered sacred and is frequently invoked in prayers and
preachings as the manifestation of purity. The Tulasi or basil plant is
a member of the Mint family of plants and is noted for its aromatic flavor.
The tulasi also revered for its medicinal properties as well as its spiritual
The Tulasi or Basil plant, sacred to Vishnu is revered by all Hindus in
India. The origins for the Tulasi plant’s sacredness is mentioned in the
Hindu holy book “The Padma Purana”as a story narrated by Narada ( the
messenger of the Gods) to King Prithuraj.
The demon King Jallandhar born out of the union of the lightning from
Shiva’s third eye and the Ocean, was the King of Earth. Jalandhar married
Vrinda, the daughter of the demon Kalnemi. The demons who were released
from exile from hell urged their king, Jalandhar to wage war on the Gods.
The Gods were ultimately defeated by Jalandhar and they approached Vishnu.
Seeing the Gods Plight Vishnu later waged a battle with Jalandhar. The
battle was fierce fought but by the boons granted to Jalandhar by Brahma,
Jalandhar emerged victorious Vishnu defeated by Jalandhar was asked to
live along with his wife Lakshmi with Jalandhar and Vrinda on Earth.
The reign of Jalandhar as the undisputed Lord of the Three worlds, was
welcomed by both the Gods and the Demons. But as time went by Jalandhar’s
pride reached an extent that he challenged Shiva to war. The Demon King,
powerful by the boons granted by Brahma couldn’t be defeated by Shiva.
The only way to defeat him was as long as his wife Vrinda remained unchaste.
Vishnu upon Shiva’s request plotted Jalandhar’s downfall.
One day Vrinda sad at Jalandhar’s absence went for a walk in the forest
where she was being pursued by two Demons. Vrinda frightened ran to a
Rishi meditating in the forest. She fell at his feet asked for shelter.
The Rishi burnt up the demons into thin ash. She later asked the Rishi
for news about her husband. At once two apes laid before her Jalandhar’s
head, feet and hands. Thinking that her husband was dead, Vrinda requested
the rishi to bring her husband back to life. The Rishi with his power,
made the body parts disappear and Jalandhar appeared before her.
Vrinda happy that her husband being brought back to life embraced him
and stayed with him. Later she was shocked that the person claiming to
be Jalandhar was not so and was Vishnu himself on a mission to defeat
Jalandhar by making her unchaste.
She cursed Vishnu and foretold that in an Avatar he would be robbed of
his wife by the two demons who had pursued her and to recover, he would
have to ask the apes who had brought Jalandhar’s body parts to her. (Vishnu’s
7th incarnation as Rama had this curse in effect)
Vrinda sad at having deceived her husband threw herself into a burning
pit. Jalandhar weakned by Vrinda unchastity, fell prey to Shiva’s weapons.
The Gods happy at Shivas victory garlanded him and drove the Demons back
to hell. But they were later shocked to find Vishnu mad for grief, rolling
in Vrinda’s ashes.
To break the charm of Vrinda’s beauty, Parvati -Shiva’s wife, planted
in Vrinda’s ashes three seeds which grew into three plants, the Tulasi,
the Avali and the Malti. By the growth of these three seeds Vishnu was
released from Vrinda’s charm.
In Vishnu’s 8th Incarnation as Krishna, the Tulasi plant was took the
form of Radha. Krishna married Radha and the curse had come to an end
which compensated the wrong doing by Vishnu with the Demon Queen -Vrinda.
To this day the worship of Vishnu by the Hindus is incomplete unless the
Tulasi leaves are given as an offering. The Tulasi plant symbolizes purity
and brings Good luck to the houses which waters it.
JUNO : Protector and special
counselor of the Roman state and queen of the gods. She is a daughter
of Saturn and sister (but also the wife) of the chief god Jupiter and
the mother of Juventas, Mars, and Vulcan. As the patron goddess of Rome
and the Roman Empire she was called Regina ("queen") and, together with
Jupiter and Minerva, was worshipped as a triad on the Capitol (Juno Capitolina)
in Rome.
As the Juno Moneta (she who warns) she guarded over the finances of the
empire and had a temple on the Arx (one of two Capitoline hills), close
to their Royal Mint. She was also worshipped in many other cities, where
temples were built in her honor.
The primary feast of Juno Mucina, called the Matronalia, was celebrated
on March 1. On this day, lambs and other cattle were sacrificed to her.
Another festival took place on July 7 and was called Nonae Caprotinae
("The Nones of the Wild Fig"). The month of June was named after her.
She can be identified with the Greek goddess Hera and, like Hera, Juno
was a majestical figure, wearing a diadem on the head. The peacock is
her symbolic animal. Juno is also the protecting and guardian spirit of
women and children.
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