We offer good discounts
for long-term advertising campaigns. Special discount to category or main
page sponsors are:
Discount for a 3-month advance contract,
Discount for a 6-month advance contract and
Discount for a 12-month advance contract. Also, special discounts
are available to those sponsors who purchase multiple links.
1) Yellow Pages Listing
The rate for inclusion of our Website's Yellow Pages Directory will be
US $8 (INR.380) for one year*.
Your listing includes in any category of your choice. You can have a
description of your company up to 30 words plus a link to your website. 'Find
Generic Websites for Yellow Pages Directory Listing'!
2) Company
Your listing includes a main category of your choice. The rate for inclusion
in the link page is US $25 (INR.1,100) for one year. Each additional category
listing is only US $10 (INR.450) per year. You can have a description
(company, services and any other information you wish to convey to your
potential clients) of your company up to 30 words plus a link to your
3) Top 10 Links
Top 10 Site Links appear in bold at the top of their targeted category
page. Space is sold in time increments of 1, 3, 6 or 12 months US $25
(INR.1,175) per month. (10% Discount for 3 month advance contract, 20%
Discount for 6 month advance contract 30% Discount for 12 month advance
4) Category Sponsor
Category Banner Ad space is sold in time increments of 1, 2 or 3 months, US$100
(INR.4,700) per month. Each Ad is prominently cycled at the top if it
is targeted to a category page. Size: Each banner ad should be 468 X 60
pixels (16.5 cm x 2.3 cm) and no larger than 20KB (animated or static).
5) Category Earpiece
(left or right) Ad space is sold in time increments of 3 or 6 months US
$25 (INR.1,175) per month. Size: Each banner ad should be 125 X 60 pixels
(3.6 cm x 2.3 cm).
6) Main Page Sponsor
Main Page Banner Ad space is sold in time increment of 1, 2, or 3 months,
US $200 (INR.9,400) per month. The Main Page Banner Ad appears at the
top and even at the bottom of the homepage. Size: Each
banner ad should be 468 X 60 pixels (16.5 cm x 2.3 cm) and no larger than
12KB (animated or static).
7) Main Page Earpiece
(left or right) Ad space is sold in time increments of 1, 2 or 3 months
US $60 (INR.2800) per month. Size: Each banner ad should be 125 X 60 pixels
(3.6 cm x 2.3 cm).
Design & Construction
We provide a reasonably priced advertising design.
Website: Would
you like us to design and host your website?
We can create up to 12 Page website (there is an additional charge US
$400 (INR.18,000) to generate this site, including hosting package,
domain name registration and search engine
optimization) for you, outlining your company, services and
any other information you wish to convey to your potential clients.
Since every company has different needs, our e-commerce modular design
format allows your Web site to be uniquely tailored for your company.
Each site is developed with your customer in mind. The graphics and the
speed at which the images download are essential considerations that every
web site must address. (For more details about our web hosting and web
Advantage of the Economic Recession !
For further details please contact us at:
Banner Ad :
If you do not have a banner ad, we can design your banner at US $25 (INR.1,175)
for a Basic Banner and US $40 (INR.1,880) for an Animated Banner. Our
custom design is based on your logo and specific instructions on how you
would like the add to appear.
AD DESIGNING. For bookings of three months, the design
service for the banner advertisement is free of charge.
The Career Center Classifieds
1) Single Job Listing
is US $15 (INR.700) for 90 days. You can have up to 30 words plus a link
to your Website or Pop-Up Mailbox.
2) Multiple Job Listing:
Up to 15 listings $150 (US) for 90 days.
Company Profile, Logo & Link - You will have the left-hand side advertising
space on your ads for your brief company profile, logo & link to your
3) Sponsored Listing:
SILVER: Keep up to 15 listings Year-Round
- Once the job is filled, use the listing for another job! $250 (US).
Keep up to 45 listings Year-Round - Once the job is filled, use the listing
for another job! $400 (US).
Order form
To reserve your banner ad or link space on the top of one on one or more
of our targeted pages or our main page, you can download an Order Form
from here. For more information about advertising with us, e-mail our
marketing representative at:
Download The Order Form
should not contain material that the MintValley Technologies considers
to constitute or to promote discrimination against people on account of
their race, sex, beliefs or sexual orientation.
The banners will not be accepted if the MintValley Technologies considers
it promotes gambling, tobacco or pornography.
Companies are responsible for proofing, listings and graphics after they
are placed onto the web site. Changes to directory listings will be US
$12 (INR.550).
PAYMENT DETAILS : Payment for the first
insertion must be in advance. Payment for subsequent insertions by a confirmation
letter from the advertiser.
All payments (in US$ or Indian Rupees.) should be made through Bank Draft
or Cheque (at par) in favour of MintValley e-Commerce Pvt. Ltd., payable
at Kochi, Kerala, India. (Credit Card payments may also possible)
Addressed to:
Corporate Centre
MintValley Technologies (P) Ltd
Metro Plaza Building 5th Floor
Market Road Junction
Kochi, Kerala State
Pin. 682 014, India.
Need more information?
Please Contact the Marketing Division we would be happy to assist you.
Search Engine
Advertising, Keyword Research & Web Marketing

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