The Lakshadweep Islands (Laccadive as they were formerly known) are one of the few remaining virgin islands in the world and the only coral reef islands in India. The islands are are a geographical extension of the Maldives island chain. The islands are irregularly scattered in the Arabian Sea between 8" and 12"-30' north latitude and between 71" and 74" east longitude. There are in all twenty seven islands and a number of sunken banks, open reefs and sand banks. Thanks to the vast lagoon and coralline banks, the actual lagoonal area amounts to 4200 km2, compared to the 32 km2 of island area. The spread of the islands is such that the Exclusive Economic Zone of India is extended by another 4,00,000 km2. The soft silvery beaches, the coral atolls built on ancient volcanic formations, living corals, vast beautiful shallow lagoons, the matchless marine environment and multi-coloured coral fishes makes Lakshadweep a real paradise in Arabian sea. The Lakshadweep islands are the only atolls in the Indian waters. Because of their oceanic location and the difficulties of access, most of the reefs remain pristine with little human impact. One can engage in water sports like Kayaking, Canoeing, Snorkeling and Para Sailing. For adventures, there are plenty of opportunities for Scuba diving. One may also visit local houses, Marine museum, Light House and a few local industries. External Links New Ship to Lakshadweep Islands |
Stop Global Warming!
Earth's surface has undergone unprecedented warming over the last century, particularly over the last two decades. To answer this question, patterns observed and as a result of an enormous scientific effort over the years to better understand the . .. Read more