Barefoot Jungle Resort, Havelock Island

Premium Hotels
Barefoot Jungle Resort, Havelock

Havelock is a beautiful laid-back tropical island encompassing about 55 square miles, located about 2-3 hours northeast of Port Blair. Barefoot Scuba at Havelock Island offers recreational diving in small groups for all levels of divers.
Barefoot Scuba also provides you with opportunities to learn how to dive through a variety of introductory courses or, for those already qualified, the opportunity to continue your diving education. Welcome to Barefoot Scuba and to your journey into the underwater world of the Andaman Islands.
The sea-facing cottages at Café del Mar are ideal for divers and travelers looking for comfort and convenience. Located in the same premises as the dive centre, Café del Mar offers its guests a convenient base from which to explore not just the snorkeling and dive sites around Havelock, but also the village market, the elephant training camp and the forest trails beyond Beach No. 5.
A vibrant location, playing host to travelers from all over the world, Café del Mar has 6 sea-facing, duplex cottages. The wood and bamboo structures, with their palm leaf roofs, face the sea through a small grove of coconut trees.Read more ...


Stop Global Warming!

Earth's surface has undergone unprecedented warming over the last century, particularly over the last two decades. To answer this question, patterns observed and as a result of an enormous scientific effort over the years to better understand the . .. Read more